Traumatology Journal, Neurology of the RTM Protocol.
This article presents the first publication of a neurological analysis of the RTM protocol in a professional journal. It is full of details necessary for the understanding of PTSD and the RTM-VKD protocol.
Byron Lewis’ Layman’s Version of Traumatology Journal Article.
This is a simplified and clarified article that explains the materials in the more technical presentation.
An explanation of PTS, its associated problems and the problem of ordering interventions.
35 Years, a Referenced Rebuttal of the Negative Research History of NLP.
When confronted with the claims that NLP is a discredited discipline, this article provides an in-depth analysis of how those negative reviews represent a false perception of NLP.
Byron Lewis’ 35 Years Layman’s Version of the NLP Bad Research Article.
This is a simplified and clarified article that explains the materials in the more technical presentation.
This presents the first publication of the long-cited need for a Scientific Theory for NLP.
A Comparison of the Evidence Based Treatments for PTS and RTM
This presents the first publication of the long-cited need for a Scientific Theory for NLP.
NLP and CBT a Referenced Description of NLP as Full Spectrum Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
NLP has often been perceived as distinct from other psychologies. This article explains how it represents a set of tools that is fully compatible with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Byron Lewis’ NLP and CBT Simplified.
This is a simplified and clarified article that explains the materials in the more technical presentation.