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Client 3018  8/11/15.


"I was shocked at how quickly the RTM Protocol neutralized events that had been weighing me down since I returned from Iraq. I was having frequent flashbacks and nightmares. No more flashbacks and nightmares. I’m sleeping better. At work I am able to focus better and accomplish tasks. I’m no longer afraid to go places.  I put myself out there and am more talkative and social."


Client 3032   9/21/15.


"I used to sit in the dark all day and go over and over the trauma. After treatment with the RTM Protocol, my wife says  I am a lot happier.  Another friend I have known for six years and see every Sunday says I look and sound so much happier.  I feel more alive. No more daymares and nightmares…and the nightmare I have had for the past 40 years has stopped."


Client 3036   9/22/15.


"Before the treatment, I just did not care about myself or my life. It was as if there was nothing to look forward to. After treatment, I feel calmer, more relaxed and laid back person and not as nervous and tense around the house. I wake up with a “zest for life.” Before I would hesitate to do things and socialize. Now I have no discomfort in grocery stores or crowded places and like talking to people.  Now I know where I want to go and what I want to do. I am focused on to move in a continued positive direction. I am happy and excited about renewing friendships and am getting back with my tournament fishing partner who I called after our third treatment and had not spoken to in 20 years."


Client 3024    9/15/15.


"After three treatments I feel different.  I have stopped carrying around the duffel bag of misery.  I no longer have a recurring nightmare I have been having for the past 30 years.  I feel more positive and feel like my future is in my hands in which ever direction I take.  I’ve noticed if I put out good vibes and self-confidence, it is reciprocated.  I’m not going to sit still and feel depressed anymore. I just got a new job and I attribute this to the work I did with the RTM Protocol."


Client 3019  8/25/15.


"I notice a difference in myself. I was sitting around depressed and apathetic and angry about events in Iraq. Instead of having terrible flashbacks, I now think of the event as just a memory.  I feel more enjoyment of life and am starting my own business.  I have started a golf program…something I would have never done prior to the treatment."


Client 3011 7/24/15.


"Four friends have told me “I am more clear looking.”  I’m not as angry. And, I am more focused with Toastmasters and school because my mind is not rattling on with other stuff.”


Client 3013 7/30/15.


"I am more low key about things and getting more relaxed and mellow. The event we worked with is like a distant memory if I take time to remember it …which I don’t.  I feel like a man who was walking through a desert and came upon a waterfall and felt clean after coming out on the other side. Doing this treatment got me out of a rut!"


Client 3015 7/29/15.


"I have less concern and less consideration of the events we worked on. When my wife asked me what we had been working on in the study I told her for the first time what happened overseas….and I’ve been married 28 years."


Client 3009  7/30/15.


"I feel better and the therapy really helped. I’m less tense and sleeping better with no nightmares.  I now have the ability to talk about things I’ve never talked about."

Client 3027  8/21/15.


"I am sleeping better and less fatigued. I have more energy.  My kids see I am more actively engaged with them.  I spend more time with them and have more energy for them."


Client 3030  8/21/15.


"I used to keep everyone shut out. I am more social now, even in school. I feel freer and no longer have paranoid feelings about an impending explosion.  My wife and kids see I am not stuck anymore and withdrawn.  I feel freer and more involved in life."


Client 3014  8/24/15.


"My PTS symptoms have decreased to mild according to my VA Counselor. I feel good and I don’t have any guilt or remorse anymore.  I feel like I can proceed without any baggage."


Client 3012  8/25/15.


"People are saying I am doing well and seeming more happy. I am not as drawn to news about conflict.  I am more focused on living and feeling less stuck and trapped."


Client 3020  8/19/15.


"My wife notices I am more calm and more participation in family events.  The hair on my arms does not raise anymore. I no longer anticipate something going wrong or fearing a reaction."


Client 3007    9/8/15.


"After completing the RTM treatments I am not nearly as angry.  I am no longer going off by myself and smoking and drinking. I am more willing to invest emotionally in my wife and our marriage.  My flashbacks and obsessive behavior have stopped."


Client 3021  9/15/15.


"Everybody…my wife, kids, instructors at school, even parents who I talk to on the phone when I talk to on the phone.  I am a happier person and feel like I can move forward in my relationships and business."


Client 3038   9/20/15.


"I have been stressed due to an upcoming heart operation.  Usually this would trigger my military-related nightmares and now they do not. In terms of flashbacks I am good now and don’t have any."


Client 3035   9/8/15.


"Doing the Protocol was a big “Wow” for me. I was unable to sleep, walk down hallways without thinking someone would shoot me or enjoy playing with my daughter without feeling guilty.  Now I am able to laugh and joke like I used to before deployment. I’m sleeping well throughout the night and my wife no longer has to walk on eggshells.  I even went to a San Diego Chargers game recently and felt comfortable ….something I could have never done prior to the RTM treatments."

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