Director of Research
Richard M. Gray, PhD is an assistant professor in the School of Criminal Justice, Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey. Prior to his appointment at FDU, Dr. Gray served for more than 20 years in the U.S. Probation Department, Brooklyn, New York. Gray was recipient of the 2004 Neuro-Linguistic Programming World Community Award in Education. He is the author of Archetypal Explorations (1996), Transforming Futures: The Brooklyn Program Facilitators Manual (2008), and About Addictions: Notes from Psychology, Neuroscience, and NLP (2008). Dr. Gray received his BA in Psychology from Central College, his MA in Social Psychology from Fordham University, and his PhD in Psychology from the Union Institute. Richard Gray is one of the primary consultants to the NLP R and R Project. He works on grant writing, and consults regarding methodological considerations.

European Director of Research and Development
Lisa Wake is Managing Director of Awaken Consulting, and also of Awaken School, a UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy) accredited NLPt psychotherapy training organization. As a former nurse and NHS manager in the UK, Lisa has a MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice exploring NLPt and integrates latest thinking in neuroscience into NLP therapy practice as a trainer, clinician and supervisor. Lisa has served as Chair and Vice Chair of UKCP, and was instrumental in working with the Government and Dept. of Health on the statutory regulation of psychology, psychotherapy and counseling, and the recently published White Paper on the regulation of non-medical professionals. She worked closely with Skills for Health in implementing the ground work for the development of National Occupational Standards for Psychotherapy. She also challenged the notion of a therapeutic mono-culture for psychotherapy and provided research-based evidence within the Dept. of Health and House of Lords to counter the drive by the Dept. of Health to exclude equally effective forms of psychotherapy. Lisa is advisor to Association of NLP, and was also on the steering committee of the first International NLP research conference at Surrey University. Author of Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy: A Postmodern Perspective; The Role of Brief Therapies in Attachment Disorder; and, NLP – Principles in Practice, Lisa is a committed to NLP research and development and runs the world's first UK University-recognized NLP Trainers Training that has an academic underpinning.
The Research and Recognition Project Board Members create the backbone of the organization, giving the program a framework and shape. The Team Members become the muscle and meat of the project. Without exceptional research being conducted, the program would be a bare skeleton. Additionally, without networking and communication, the program would be a body existing in a vacuum, unable to reach out and help the very people the program was developed to assist.
Members of the Research Team, led by Richard Gray, PhD, are a group of invaluable professions dedicated to all aspects of Research. This includes developing future research hypothesis, methodological and grant consulting, as well as organizing conference presentations.
Members of the Network and Communications Team, led by Richard F. Liotta, provide the platforms for public interaction with the project. This includes developing website, media and social interactions for everyone from the general public to academic and governmental researchers.

Associate Director of Research
Professor Karen Selz, PhD, is a research scientist whose interests, publications and skills bridge neurology, biology and psychology. Her academic appointments include Harvard Medical School, NIMH Clinical Neuroendrocrinology Branch, Emory University Medical School, and The Institute des Hautes Etudes Scientific, in Bures-sur-Yvette, France. Her cutting edge scientific publications span over 15 years across a broad range of scientific subjects. She brings a wide and deep range of scientific acumen to the Research and Recognition Project.

Director of Organizational Communications
Rich is a Clinical Psychologist, and Certified NLP and Neurosemantics Trainer. He has more than 20 years of diverse professional experience, in areas including clinical work, psychological assessment, research, teaching, administration, marketing, and program evaluation. While earning his PhD (in Clinical Psychology, 1988) from DePaul University, he was actively involved in research. He authored, or co-authored, seven peer-reviewed journal articles in areas including behavioral analysis, community psychology, and social psychology. In addition to being a psychotherapist, his current activities include presenting on a variety of mental health topics, training NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis, life effectiveness facilitation, consultation to community agencies, and conducting psychological evaluations. Dr. Liotta’s experience has been that many NLP processes are clinically effective therapeutic tools.
Dr. Liotta is also active in research and writing related to the goals of the project. He co-authored a chapter about the NLP Research & Recognition Project with Frank Bourke for the book Innovations in NLP, a journal article published in Traumatology with Richard Gray (PTSD: Extinction, Reconsolidation and the Visual-Kinesthetic Dissociation Protocol), and a chapter in the book The Clinical Effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A Critical Appraisal.
Chief Operating Officer of Project Operations
Kathryn Murphy has recently joined the Research and Recognition Project as Chief Operating Officer of Project Operations. A full bio and photo will be added shortly.