Dr. Bourke is the Executive Director of the NLP Research and Recognition Project, and Coordinator to the NLP Community. After the 9-11 attacks in 2001, Dr. Bourke designed and implemented a rehabilitation plan for 800 World Trade Center building survivors. He found that he was able to change the symptoms of PTS survivors he was treating with an NLP-derived protocol much quicker and more effectively than the 30 or so therapists he was working with. He founded the Not-For-Profit Corporation to advance the science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and bring the research up to a Scientific standard necessary for more widespread implementation. He brings with him more than 33 years of professional experience in Executive, Clinical and Research roles.
Dr. Bourke is a well-trained Clinical and Research Psychologist. He earned his Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology from St. John's University in 1968; then was trained in research at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, where he received his PhD in Psychology in 1973. He went on as an Associate Professor of Community Psychology at the New York School of Psychiatry. Additionally, he was a Lecturer for Cornell University Psychology and Education Departments for undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in Community Mental Health and Psychology.
His Business experience has included being President and Chairman of the Board at the Flowers Management Corporation, Miami, FL (1982-1987). He was the founder and developer of a professional service corporation which grew to manage twelve inpatient psychiatric and alcohol/drug programs in five states. Dr. Bourke was responsible for all facets of corporate development, inclusive of administration, fiscal management, personnel selection, marketing, and clinical systems programming. From 1997-2002, he was Co-owner and Clinical Director of Clinical Associates of the Southern Tier, a Mental Health Service Business employing 16 psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists in a multi-service group practice. Since 1987 he has also been the owner of, and clinician for, a private clinical practice in Corning, NY.

Connirae Andreas in an international NLP trainer and has made a lasting contribution to the field of NLP through her
books, CDs, DVDs, and manuals. She is one of the “first generation” of NLP trainers. Ms. Andreas became known for her heartful training style as well as her development of new methods that bring personal growth to a new level. Books she has authored or edited, some in partnership with husband, Steve Andreas, have been translated into 18 languages.

Steve Andreas is one of the most active developers of NLP. He has been learning, training, and researching NLP since his
introduction to it in 1977, and has been developing new NLP patterns since the early 1980s. He and his wife, Connirae, were the founders of "NLP Comprehensive" in Boulder, Colorado in 1979, one of the first NLP institutes. Recently he authored the two-volume set Six Blind Elephants: Understanding Ourselves and Each Other (2006).

Judith DeLozier is the Co-director of Training and Research at NLP University with Robert Dilts. Judith has been mainly
responsible for bringing NLP to the area of transcultural competence and cross cultural skills. She has made fundamental contributions to the development of numerous NLP models and processes.

Jonathan Adams served in the U. S. Air Force from 1969 to 1973 and then continued a 30-year military career with the NYANG
flying the ski-equipped LC130 performing polar airlift in Greenland and Antarctica. He has held numerous unit positions, including appointment as the Wing Commander of the 109th Airlift Wing, and later, Commanding General of the NY Guard Air Division. He retired as a Brigadier General with over 7,000 hours in a variety of transport aircraft. He also enjoyed a 26-year airline career with US Airways flying the F28, B737, and holding several flight operations management positions. Brig. Gen. Adams retired from active flying with over 20,000 hours. He worked three years in Embry Riddle’s Commercial Airline Pilot Training program and then four years for CAE Civil Training as the Manager – Training and Standards, CAE Global Academy. Brig. Gen. Adams currently serves as the Executive Vice President of Hinton & Oaster Inc., an aviation consultancy. He is a long-time resident of Fultonville, NY.

Andrew Komonchak, Executive Director, Purple Heart Hall of Honor, Inc., Member Board of Directors. Andy is the Executive
Director for the ARK Purple Heart Hall of Honor, Inc., Board of Directors with the responsibility of raising $3 million locally for Phase One of the expansion and enhancement of the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor in New Windsor, New York. Concurrently, he is launching a $15 million national campaign to fund a major expansion of the facility. He comes to the Project with a strong professional background as a Marketing Consultant and public relations professional with strong emphasis in graphic arts, design, photography and fine arts. He has 45 years marketing everything from professional sports to Orange County, NY, in a career that began in New York, matured in Colorado, and is flourishing once again in Orange County, NY. He holds many board affiliations; “The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor”, Founding Board Member; “Leadership Orange”, Orange County Citizens Foundation Marketing Committee Chair; “STEWMAC”; 105th Air Wing; Stewart Military Affairs Committee; Rolling Thunder.

Professor Emeritus William McDowell is a longtime NLP trainer. He is recently retired, and newly appointed as Professor
Emeritus at Marshall University. He was a full professor of counseling at Marshall University from 1994 to 2000, and Coordinator of the undergraduate program from 1979 to 1980 and Chair of the Counseling Program from 1981 to 1997. After going into semi-retirement, he coordinated the Counseling Program from 2004 until recently. He was the Interim Division Chair of Human Development, and 2006 Technology.
He received his PhD in Counselor Education from Kent University in 1971 with an emphasis in Counseling Psychology. He got a Master of Education in Rehabilitation Counseling in 1968 from Kent State University. He has a Master of Divinity in Theology and Religion in 1967 from the United Theological Seminary.
Dr. McDowell has extensive experience in various counseling modalities. He was the founder and Director of Mountaineer Affiliates in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and developed programs with the Southern Institute of NLP and the International Institute of NLP, teaching programs from 1990 to 2000. He has research experience and publications in the area of holistic approaches, dealing with emotional distress, the use of therapeutic strategies with people with disabilities, addiction, caring for individuals with self-destructive patterns of behavior, and is working on a book on brief interventions in the treatment of trauma and PTS. He has also authored numerous chapters in books. Topics have included therapeutic strategies with people with disabilities, dealing with clients with various difficult issues, on death and dying, and similar topics. He has also participated in developing training videos in the area of NLP, and has worked with NLP founders such as Robert Dilts, Suzie Smith, and Tim Hallbom. He has accumulated numerous honors and awards over the years and has many years of university and professional service.

Richard O’Leary, Ed.D., joined IRIS in February 2011 as Corporate Vice President, Human Resources and Administration.
Prior to joining IRIS, Dr. O’Leary was employed as the Global Director, Human Resources, International Regions, and prior to that as the Director of Human Resources for Strategic Growth, Research, Development, and Engineering, all positions he held for Corning Incorporated from April 2, 2001 to December 31, 2010. Prior to that, Dr. O’Leary was the Vice President of Human Resources for Cytometrics, a diagnostics technology firm in Philadelphia. He has also held director-level roles with Public Service Electric and Gas, Owens Corning, and Blue Cross of Michigan. Dr. O’Leary is nationally recognized for his expertise in organizational development, innovation, and Human Resource Practices. Dr. O’Leary is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air National Guard with 24 years of experience, and served on the boards of the Best Practice Institute and The Conference Board’s Executive Council for Talent and Organizational Development. Dr. O’Leary holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Delaware and a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Western Michigan University. Dr. O’Leary is an accomplished speaker having presented at numerous conferences worldwide on business transformation, innovation, inclusion, and best practices in human resources.

Mr. Salluzzo has served as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer for multiple entities both public and private
since 1997. From 1992 through 1997 Mr. Salluzzo provided consulting services to emerging and development stage companies. Mr. Salluzzo is a Certified Public Accountant, having begun his accounting career with Price Waterhouse & Co., now PriceWaterhouseCoopers, an international accounting firm. He spent seven years with that firm before forming his own accounting firm which he merged, in 1985, into a major regional accounting firm located in Albany, New York. Mr. Salluzzo is a graduate of St. Bonaventure University, and served as an Army officer in the US Army Field Artillery. He is active in a number of civic and professional organizations.

Professor Rosalyn Templeton joined the Board of Directors in 2013. She brings a profound academic skillset related to all
facets of Graduate Education and University administration. Her academic appointments have included Executive Dean - College of Education and Human Resources, and University Provost. She has written and supervised multi-million dollar grants in the human service field for over a decade.

Our Board of Advisors is a vital group to the project. Each member is an expert in their field, and every individual brings a different voice and view to the table. Their job is to make sure the project progresses on a pathway that encompasses all aspects of NLP. They provide the checks and balances to maintain a thorough, rigorously managed corporation that continues to work together to further the research goals of the project. Those goals, in turn, ensure recognition of the therapy, protocol and project itself.
Tim Hallbom, Director of NLP California
Stephen Leeds and Rachel Hott PhD, NLP Center of New York
Richard Bolstad PhD, Director of NLP
Ken Farmer, MA
Shelly Rose Charvet, Success Strategies Consulting, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Paul Tosey, School of Management, University of Surrey, UK
Howard McClintic, Executive Director of the CTC Foundation, Washington, DC
Magister Peter Schutz, Vienna University, Vienna Med School
Markku Ojanen, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Tampere, Finland
Bobbi Best, Best Resources, Texas Institute of NLP, San Antonio, TX
Joe Mathey, MD, Former Medical Director, Corning Inc.
Jim Adams, D.O., D.A.A.P.M., Professor of Psychiatry & Pain Management, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Professor Richard Gray, Director of Research, R & R Project
Mid-Hudson Advisory/Support Board for The Road Back
Senator William Larkin
Dr. Ron Israelski
Joseph DeStephano
Andrew Finkelstein
Mike Sulliva
Maureen Halihan
Mr. and Mrs. Fromme
R. Rowley
Ed Diana
Major General Wm. F. Ward
Shawn Maloney
Andy Komonchak
General Jonathan Adams
General Frank Gordon
Tony Danza
Nancy Morgan
John Cameron
Rafael Marquez
Bob DiNardo