Connirae Andreas is an international NLP trainer and has made a lasting contribution to the field of NLP through her books, CDs, DVDs, and manuals. She is one of the “first generation” of NLP trainers. Ms. Andreas became known for her heartful training style, as well as her development of new methods that bring personal growth to a new level. Books she has authored or edited, some in partnership with husband, Steve Andreas, have been translated into 18 languages. Connirae is one of the first of a small group to be certified as NLP trainers by the field’s founders (1981). She and her husband are responsible for bringing NLP into greater visibility through creating and publishing books by founders Bandler and Grinder. They edited and published Frogs into Princes, Transformations, and Reframing the first NLP books to become widely read. She was also co-author of several books with Steve Andreas including Heart of Mind (1989) and Change Your Mind (1987). The book Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within (1994), written with Tamara Andreas, is her best known book. Connirae Andreas is the co-founder with her husband, Steve, of NLP Comprehensive, and she is the developer of a set of NLP techniques known as “Core Transformation.”
Connirae and Steve Andreas sponsored the first NLP Practitioner Certification Training worldwide (Denver, Colorado, September 1979). Connirae, together with her husband, wrote the original NLP Comprehensive Trainer Manual, the first systematic model for NLP training. This manual has become an international model for training excellence. She has also worked extensively mentoring the next generation of NLP trainers, first building a team of trainers through NLP Comprehensive, and then coaching Core Transformation trainers.
In addition to her work as editor, author, and trainer in the field of NLP, Connirae’s contributions include important research and development in all areas of NLP. She also has developed “aligning perceptual positions”, another impactful method that can result in dramatically improving relationships. Other landmark contributions from Connirae included the use of NLP in parenting, work on language patterns, work on grief and forgiveness processes, and on changing Meta programs (which can be described as the personality structure of each of us). Connirae received her master’s in Clinical Psychology from Colorado University in 1979, and her PhD in Psychotherapy from NCU in 1989.
Connirae’s support for the NLP Research and Recognition Project comes out of her experiences observing the difference NLP makes in people’s lives. The first time she used the process being studied [in the trauma protocol] with a Vietnam Vet, it took 45 minutes to complete. Initially he was so afraid to try it out that he turned white and started sweating when he even thought of doing the process. In an interview afterwards, he shared how it had changed his life — he had a kind of inner calm, he no longer woke up in a sweat from terrifying nightmares, and was no longer worried that he might seriously harm his wife because of the way he used to startle instantly into defensive reactions. He also noticed he now felt a sense of connection with Asians, rather than an automatic fear. Connirae would like to see more Vets have these healing experiences through the use of the trauma protocol.